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Showing posts from April, 2018

Power Point Filsafat Ilmu "Tradisi Keilmuan Islam" dan "Tujuan Ilmu"

Hay evryone ! In this post I want to share about material philosophy of science and in my post this time I also included it in the form of powerpoint. I hope this post can be useful for everyone. for philosophical material and Islamic scientific traditions, can be seen at the power point Tujuan Ilmu      Dalam islam, tujuan utama dari ilmu adalah untuk mengenal Allah SWT dan meraih kebahagiaan. Prof. Naquib Al-Attas memberikan gambaran singkat tentang tujuan ilmu yang juga merupakan tujuan utama pendidikan, yaitu:  “The purpose of seeking knowledge in Islam is to inculcate goodness or justice in man as man and individual self. The aim of education in Islam is therefore to produce a good man… the fundamental elemen in herent in the Islamic concept of education is the inculcation of adab.. (Prof. Dr. Syed Muh. Naquib al-Attas, Islam and Secularism, (Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 2003), hlm. 150-151).       Sementara itu Al-Attas mendefinisika...